Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Health Secretary to visit Leyland

The Health Secretary, Andy Burnham MP, is to visit leyland on Saturday 13th March. He will be opening David Borrow MP's campaign offices in Towngate at 2pm and will be speaking to local residents about Labour's plans for the NHS.

Towngate? Where's that?

Tory Councillor Jim Hothersall admitted his lack of local knowledge at a recent Council meeting. Labour Councillor Tony Kelly expressed concern that the new parking arrangements would adversely affect residents whose houses on Towngate back out onto Sumner St car park. Jim Hothersall's reply...."I'm sorry, I am not familiar with the area!" Priceless!!! Cllr Hothersall lives in Middleforth.

Can you Dig it? No, you can't!!

Residents of Fox Lane were given a flat "No" when they asked the Tory Council to release land behind their houses for allotments. Local resident Tony Chetwin addressed the Council directly and asked that the former allotment site, which was mothballed when the Tesco store was being developed, be put back to use instead of lying derelict. Tory leisure supremo Phil Smith was having none of it. "It would be to difficult." seemed to be his main objection to the idea. Cllr Smith lives in New Longton.

'Smoke and Mirrors' masks reduction in free car parking spaces

Labour Councillor Caleb Tomlinson has revealed that the latest pilot scheme for parking in Leyland will result in a LOSS of 26 free car parking spaces. "There are currently 35 free spaces on Sumner St and 26 free spaces behind the Market. The new scheme only gives 35 spaces spread across Leyland. It's typical of the Tories to try and cover up this reduction in free car parking spaces. The launch a new scheme to great fanfare, but when the smoke and mirrors are removed it reveals another attempt to con the public."

Call for a lot more allotments!

The waiting list for allotments in South Ribble has over 100 names on it. At a recent Council meeting Councillor Matthew Tomlinson proposed a motion that forces the Council to take a more proactive role in seeking out new sites that could been used as allotments. “Allotments are growing in popularity, especially as people become more interested in where their food comes from. I think the Council needs to try harder to address this ‘growing’ need!”

West Paddock development dropped

Your Labour Councillors are delighted by the fact that the County Council has pulled out of a deal to buy the green space next to the Civic Centre on West Paddock. Cllr Matthew Tomlinson said “Although the land is set aside for development, there are many local residents who view this green space as a valuable asset. We always had reservations about the deal which would have seen South Ribble simply sell the land to the County Council. We would suggest that, in the current economic climate, the Council drops all plans so sell off this land.”

Residents succeed - with Labour Councillors help!

Residents of Bretherton Terrace were dismayed when planning permission was sought to build three storey houses on a patch of green land opposite their homes. However, with the help of Cllr Caleb Tomlinson and local Labour activist Cheryl Ledward Lee, a campaign was launched to enable local people to voice their concerns. Caleb and Cheryl spoke to residents and help organise a letter writing campaign to let the Council know what they thought. The Council decide to oppose the plans and they were withdrawn.

Giant Veggie Patch up and growing!

Plans to convert a plot of disused land off Bannister Drive into a community asset have come to fruition. Thanks to the efforts of local people, the local Health Service and the Council a patch of derelict land has been cleared and planted ready for the growing season. Cllr Mick Titherington said “This is a great example of local residents working with the authorities to develop a really exciting project. I will be doing all I can to encourage the success of this scheme.”